How To Get Painless Permanent Makeup With Numbing Cream?

There are many different kinds of permanent makeup procedures, so it’s important to select the right one based on your needs and your comfort level.

One of the most popular types is eyeliner, and it’s easy to see why: it creates a beautiful, dramatic look that instantly enhances your eyes without much time or effort.

However, if you’re not comfortable with needles or pain in general, it may seem like getting permanent makeup isn’t for you…unless you use numbing cream! Find out how using numbing cream can make having permanent makeup a painless experience.

Picking The Right Clinic

When you’re looking for a place to get your painless permanent makeup done, it’s important to find a reputable clinic. Not all clinics are created equal, and you want to make sure you’re getting the best possible service.

One way to ensure this is by looking for a clinic that offers numbing cream for painless permanent makeup. This can help alleviate any pain during the procedure Numbing Cream For Laser Hair Removal.

What Should I Expect about Painless Permanent Makeup?

If you’re considering getting Painless Permanent makeup, you’re probably wondering what the experience is like.

While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, most people report that the experience is relatively painless when numbing cream is used. Here’s what you can expect when you get eyebrow makeup with no pain or get permanent makeup with no pain:

First, your eyebrows will be prepped for a smoother application by being combed and lightly trimmed.


Next, your skin will be marked where your eyebrows should start and end. Then it’s time for the anesthetic! You’ll apply a thin layer of a topical anesthetic gel or cream (or a combination of both) over the areas that need numbing before your artist begins work on them  Numbing Cream For Injections.

Tips For Getting Through The Process

  • Choose a numbing cream that is right for you. There are many options available, so be sure to do your research.
  • Apply the numbing cream before your appointment. This will help ensure that the pain is minimal.
  • Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions given to you by your artist. This will help the healing process go smoothly.
  • If you experience any pain during the procedure, let your artist know so they can adjust accordingly. It’s also important to speak up if you feel like something is not quite right or has changed in any way.
  • Your best bet is to consult with a professional who specializes in this type of service before getting permanent makeup done on your face or elsewhere on your body.

What Type of Products Can Help?

When it comes to numbing cream for permanent makeup, there are a few different products on the market that can help. These include:

Dr. Numb is one option that contains 5% lidocaine, which is the highest amount of lidocaine allowed without a prescription. dr. Numb can be used before and during the Permanent makeup procedure, Tattooing, Piercings, laser hair removal treatments, and other beauty treatments.

Tag #45 Numbing Gel is one of the safest topical numbing agents on the market today! Effective for control of pain and swelling after the skin is broken, Tag#45 numbing gel works well on open skin such as after procedures such as lip augmentation or eyebrow lift surgery.

PAINLESS® Cream is specially formulated with powerful topical anesthetic ingredients like lidocaine and tetracaine to numb skin during beauty treatments such as tattooing, permanent make-up, laser treatments, hair removal treatments, etc.

A water-based formula provides maximum pain relief without damaging skin unlike many other numbing gels on the market today. Apply 30 – 45 minutes before treatment depending on the desired effect.

How to apply Numbing cream for permanent Makeup?

If you’re looking for a way to get eyebrow makeup with no pain, then you’ll want to use numbing cream. Numbing cream can help take the edge off of the pain associated with Painless permanent makeup. Here’s how to Apply Numbing cream:

  1. Wash your face and dry it off thoroughly before applying the numbing cream.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the numbing cream over your entire eyebrow area using your finger or cotton swab.
  3. Wait 10 minutes before proceeding with the procedure. You should feel less pain as time goes on but may still feel some stinging sensation if you have sensitive skin.

The numbing cream is completely harmless so go ahead and leave it on for up to twenty minutes. Most people will be able to continue with their day without experiencing any problems at all after application!


When you get your Painless permanent makeup done, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions given to you by your technician. This will help ensure that your makeup heals properly and doesn’t cause any irritation.

Some things you may be instructed to do include: avoiding sun exposure, using a gentle cleanser, and applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

You should also avoid picking or scratching at the area. If you have any concerns, be sure to reach out to your technician.


If you’re looking for a Painless permanent makeup experience, numbing cream is the way to go. With numbing cream, you can get your eyebrows done with no pain.

Plus, you can get permanent makeup with no pain. So if you’re looking for a pain-free experience, be sure to ask for numbing cream.

Thanks for Reading!

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