Do Lip Fillers Hurt With Numbing Cream | Beyond Tattoos

Recently, lip fillers have become one of the most popular methods of achieving fuller lips. However, many people are concerned about how much it will hurt.

Some users have even asked if using numbing cream can help reduce the pain. Some People asked, Do Lip Fillers Hurt with Numbing Cream.

In this blog post, we’ll explore whether or not using numbing cream can make lip filler injections less painful.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to make the experience more comfortable overall. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Numbing Cream and how does it work for lip fillers?

Numbing cream is a topical anesthetic that numbs the area it is applied to. It works by blocking pain signals from the nerves to the brain. This can make injections and other procedures less painful.


There are a few different types of numbing creams available on the market. Some of the most popular brands include:

To use a numbing cream, you will need to follow the instructions on the packaging. This usually involves applying the cream to the area of the skin where the procedure will be done and then waiting for it to take effect.

The amount of time that it takes for the cream to work can vary depending on the type of cream and the person’s individual skin. However, it is usually recommended to wait at least 30 minutes before the procedure is done.

How does Numbing Cream help with Lip Fillers?

As we mentioned above, numbing cream can help to make lip filler injections less painful. This is because the cream numbs the area around the lips, which can help to reduce the sensation of pain.

Some people may also find that using numbing cream helps to reduce any anxiety or fear that they feel about getting injections. This can make the overall experience more comfortable.

Can you use numbing cream before lip fillers?

If you’re considering using numbing cream before your lip filler injection, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. First, it’s important to choose a quality numbing cream that is specifically designed for use before injections.

There are many numbing creams on the market, but not all of them are created equal. Be sure to do your research to find a numbing cream that is both effective and safe to use before injections.

It’s also important to follow the instructions on the numbing cream carefully. Most numbing creams need to be applied for at least 30 minutes before injection in order to be effective.

Be sure to apply the cream as directed and give it enough time to work before proceeding with the injection.

Finally, keep in mind that numbing cream is not a foolproof solution for pain relief. Some people may still experience some discomfort during the injection process even with numbing cream.

If you’re worried about pain, be sure to speak to your doctor or dermatologist beforehand to discuss your options.

How to use numbing cream for lip filler?

  • Start by thoroughly cleansing the area where you’ll be applying the numbing cream. This helps to remove any oils or dirt that could potentially interfere with the cream’s efficacy.
  • Apply a generous amount of numbing cream to the area around your lips. Be sure to cover the entire injection site, as well as a small area around it.
  • Allow the cream to sit on your skin for at least 30 minutes before proceeding with the injections. This gives the lidocaine time to work its magic and numb the area sufficiently.
  • Once you’re ready to begin the injections, carefully wipe away any excess numbing cream from your skin.
  • Proceed with the injections as normal. You should notice that the area is significantly less painful than it would be without the use of numbing cream.

How do I apply numbing cream to my lips?

When applying a numbing cream to your lips, we recommend using a clean cotton swab or Q-tip. Gently apply a thin layer of cream to the area where you’ll be receiving injections.

Be sure not to get any cream inside your mouth or on your gums. Once you’ve applied the cream, wait 20-30 minutes for it to work before proceeding with the injections.

How long does numbing cream take to work on lips?

Numbing cream usually takes about 20-30 minutes to work, so we recommend applying it before your appointment. That way, you’ll be nice and numb by the time we start injecting.

Does numbing cream help with bruising?

Numbing cream can also help to reduce the risk of bruising. By numbing the area, there’s less chance of the needle causing any trauma to the skin. This can help to minimize bruising and swelling after the injections.

Strongest Numbing Cream for Lip Fillers

If you’re looking for the strongest numbing cream to use for your lip filler injections, we recommend using a product that contains lidocaine. Lidocaine is a common topical anesthetic that is frequently used in various cosmetic procedures, including lip injections.

It works by temporarily numbing the area where it’s applied, which can help to minimize any discomfort during the injection process. There are many different brands of lidocaine-based numbing creams on the market.

Dr. Numb cream is one of our favorites because it’s very effective and easy to use. Dr. Numb cream is a fast-acting and long-lasting cream. It is non-oily and recommended by professionals.

What can you not do after lip filler?

There are a few things you should avoid doing after getting lip fillers, in order to ensure optimal results. First, you should avoid touching or rubbing your lips for the first 24 hours after the procedure.

This can help to prevent any irritation or swelling. Additionally, you should avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold for the first few days, as this can also cause irritation.

Finally, it’s important to avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours after getting lip fillers, as this can increase the risk of bruising and swelling. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to talk to your doctor or professional aesthetician.


Overall, using numbing cream can help to make lip filler injections less painful. However, it’s important to discuss this with your doctor or nurse beforehand to ensure that it’s the right choice for you.

There are also other things that you can do to make the experience more comfortable, such as choosing the right provider and staying calm during the procedure.

If you’re considering lip fillers, be sure to consult with a professional to see if they’re right for you. And remember, numbing cream can help reduce the pain associated with injections – so don’t hesitate to ask about it!

With proper preparation and care, you can ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible.

Thanks for reading!

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